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MyTonCtrl errors


This article describes MyTonCtrl errors that a user may encounter.

Common errors

ErrorPossible solution
Unknown module name: name. Available modes: modesCheck available modes list
No mode named name found in current modes: current_modesCheck current modes list
GetWalletFromFile error: Private key not foundCheck wallet name path
Cannot get own IP addressCheck access to the https://ifconfig.me/ip and https://ipinfo.io/ip resources

Liteserver errors

ErrorPossible solution
Cannot enable liteserver mode while validator mode is enabledUse disable_mode validator
LiteClient error: error_msgCheck MyTonCtrl parameters for running Liteserver

Validator errors

ErrorPossible solution
ValidatorConsole error: Validator console is not settingsCheck validator article
Cannot enable validator mode while liteserver mode is enabledUse disable_mode liteserver
Validator wallet not foundCheck validator article
Validator is not synchronizedWait more for sync or check sync troubleshouting
Stake less than the minimum stake. Minimum stake: minStakeUse set stake {amount} and check stake parameters
Don't have enough coins. stake: stake, account balance: balanceTop up your balance up to stake

Nominator Pool errors

ErrorPossible solution
CreatePool error: Pool with the same parameters already existsCheck pools_list for existing pools
create_single_pool error: Pool with the same parameters already existsCheck pools_list for existing pools

See Also